Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good-Bye 2008

Today we say good-bye to 2008. Some of us may be glad to see it go. Despite any unpleasant things that might have happened this year, I did read some fantastic books. Here's a list of a few of them.

Derby Girl by Shauna Cross - A punk girl being raised by a pageant obsessed mother secretly joins the roller derby. It made me want to join roller derby and I CAN'T SKATE.

Pretty Face by Mary Hogan - A teen girl's mom sends her to Italy for the summer to stay with a family friend hoping her daughter will shed some pounds. Instead of losing a ton of weight, she gains some body confidence.

Debbie Harry Sings in French by Meagan Brothers - If a teen boy loves Debbie Harry so much that he wants to dress like her, does that mean he is less of a boy? And which 70s icon wore more make-up, Debbie Harry or David Bowie???

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare - If you don't know why I'm including this book, then you haven't read this awesome urban fantasy series yet. WHY? Start it NOW! Make it your New Year's resolution.

After School Nightmare - There is only one more volume of this amazing gender bending manga. *tear*

I also read a couple books written for grown-ups that teenagers will like as well. (Is it okay to say grown-ups? Adult books just sounded wrong.)

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman - If you like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, stories by Edgar Allen Poe, or strange things in general you will love this story.

The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore - Christmas Party + Zombie Attack = AWESOME. WARNING - ADULT LANGUAGE

What were some of your favorite books this year? Leave them in the comments.